CJB emphasis
in bold (online), green, red, and blue with
footnotes in blue; NIV in magenta;
Nomads* comments in yellow; and my
comments in gray. *Participative
Sunday-school-class at UBC led by Kenneth Tipton. My continually improved
statement about Genesis 1:26-28 is at the end.
Peter wrote about 3 decades after Yeshua was executed. I perceive key
civic advice to the good in the scripture that follows this summary, including:
Be open-minded and open-hearted to all people.
Pursue Yeshua’s motivation
and inspiration.
Accept power and authority
to reject erroneous life styles.
Incidentally and directly
influence fellow citizens, including government officials, to pursue the good.
Yeshua influences error-free living rather than
soul-favor in afterdeath.
Ideas I object to:
1. Peter addresses Jewish priests (and their
Priests receive sacrifices
to God “acceptable to him through Yeshua the Messiah”.
Even though they are chosen
by their God, they are temporal visitors, should be good to their host nation.
2. He attempts to relate the Torah’s prophecy to Yeshua
yet avoids “circumcise the
foreskin of your heart” in Deuteronomy 10:16. Recall that Yeshua was physically circumcised.
3. He accuses both Israel and Judah of failing Yeshua
(as messiah or what?).
4. Civic citizens and government officials together accept the power and
authority expressed in Genesis 1:26-28 – they rule on earth rather than submit
as “God’s slaves”.
5. There is no excuse for either mistreating “household
servants” or accepting tyranny of an employer. Every person may develop their god-facing-death
(John 10:34). I added an important footnote about R. E. Lee’s horrific Christian
6. The God can seem
or be unjust – cannot be constrained by human opinion.
7. Accepting Yeshua’s sacrifice makes believers
righteous rulers of life on earth – no longer erroneous sheep; each person may
and can pursue error-free living before death.
8. Peter predicts Yeshua’s return. It’s been 2000 years.
Competitive monotheism mostly ignores Yesuha’s civic influence. Resistance does
not seem wise.
1 Peter 2, CJB
2:1 Therefore,
rid yourselves of all malice, of all deceit, hypocrisy and envy, and of all the
ways there are of speaking against people; 2 and be
like newborn babies,
thirsty for the pure milk of the Word
[What is this word? Yeshua’s civic influence?]; so that by it, you
may grow up into deliverance. 3 For you have tasted
that Adonai is good. [Psalm 8
good] [Adonai is a church construct, seemingly a
representative of the Jewish God, so may be in error. I perceive some evidence “Jesus”
is a lame substitute for “Adonai”. And “Christ” confounds the rule of law.
Yeshua’s civic influence emerges from it all.]
4 As
you come to him, the living stone, rejected by people but chosen by
God and precious to him, 5 you
yourselves, as living stones, are being built into a spiritual
house to be cohanim [male, Jewish priesthood to the temple. This may help explain 1 Peter
1:2, “chosen according to
the foreknowledge of God the Father and set apart by the Spirit for obeying
Yeshua the Messiah and for sprinkling with his blood”. Priests sprinkled blood each year at
Passover.] set apart for God to offer spiritual sacrifices
acceptable to him through Yeshua the Messiah [a holy
priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus
Christ] [Note: any use of “Yeshua” in the Old Testament cites a
Jewish priest or servant of the temple. The argument that “Yeshua” is
equivalent to Christ (saves souls during their death) via “salvation” fails on
Yeshua’s improvements to the Torah – salvation from error in the believer’s
living; see https://www.menorah.org/yeshuainthetanakh.]. 6 This is why
the Tanakh says,
“Look! I am laying in Tziyon a stone,
a chosen and precious cornerstone;
and whoever rests his trust on it
will certainly not be humiliated.” [Isaiah 28:16, stricken with panic]
7 Now
to you who keep trusting, he is precious. But to those
who are not trusting,
“The very stone that the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone”; [Psalm 118:22 exact quote]
8 also
he is
a stone that will make people stumble,
a rock over which they will trip. [Isaiah 8:14, both Israel and Judah will trip]
They [competitive
monotheisms or churches] are stumbling at the Word [What
is this word? 5500 year old Genesis 1:26-18?], disobeying it — as had
been planned. 9 But you are a chosen
people, [Isaiah 43:20,
the animals celebrate the choice; Deuteronomy 7:6, holy to the Lord your God;
10:15, above all the nations ADD 16, Circumcise your hearts!!!! implies humility, faith, hope, and charity] the King’s cohanim
V 4 comment.], [Exodus 19:6, to
Israel; Isaiah 61:6 of Adonai] a holy nation,
[Exodus 19:6, Israel] a
people for God to possess!
[The God possesses the unchosen as well.] [Isaiah 43:21 to proclaim my praise;
Exodus 19:5, keep my covenant] Why?
In order for you to declare the praises of the One who called you out of
darkness into his wonderful light
[“Word” acceptance?]. 10 Once
you were not a people, but now you are God’s people [the God’s
people because you rule to the good on earth.]; before, you had
not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. [Hosea 2:25(23)
pity] [The God offers mercy to the unchosen as well, provided they reform to
the good. Every human being may and can effect intentions to the good, and I
think the process is expedited in each generation if they together pursue
Yeshua’s civic influence for their times and their posterity.]
11 Dear
friends, I urge you as aliens and temporary residents [Genesis 23:4 Abraham seeking to bury
Sarah; 47:4 visiting Goshen because Canaan has drought; Psalm 39:13(12)
traveler passing through; 1 Chronicles 29:15 temporary residents just passing
through] not to give
in to the desires of your old
nature, which keep warring against you [erroneous if not sinful living]; 12 but
to live such good lives among the pagans [Maybe
“pagans” meant non-Jews. In 2024, it could mean people who have not decided to
rule to the good on earth.] that even though they now speak against you
as evil-doers, they will, as a
result of seeing your good actions [reminds me of the time Sam Adams, LSU and UBC, called me
a heretic because I said I want to treat all neighbors the same way, then would
not explain his reason.], give glory to God on the Day of his coming [Peter expected Yeshua to return soon. It’s been
2000 years and Yeshua still influences people who listen to his civic
suggestions rather than focus on mystery.]. 13 For
the sake of the Lord, submit
yourselves to every human authority [With Ken’s prompt, Nomads strained at this idea.]
— whether to the emperor as being supreme, 14 or to
governors as being sent by him to punish wrongdoers and praise those who do
what is good. 15 For it is God’s will that your
doing good should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. 16 Submit
as people who are free, but not letting your freedom serve as an excuse for
evil; rather, submit as God’s slaves. 17 Be
respectful to all — keep loving the brotherhood, fearing God and honoring the emperor. [Peter’s reasoning in V 13-17 is
wrong hearted and arrogant toward the God. Civic citizens aid their civil
servants such as the king or emperor or elected official in order to fulfill Genesis
1:26-28, which informs every human being that they may and can accept the power
and authority to rule on earth. Dissidents and rebels may reform to develop
human being (verb) and habitual villains may and can be eliminated.]
18 Household
servants, submit yourselves to your masters, showing them full respect — and
not only those who are kind and considerate, but also those who are
harsh. 19 For it is a grace when someone, because
he is mindful of God, bears up under the pain of undeserved punishment. 20 For
what credit is there in bearing up under a beating you deserve for doing
something wrong? But if you bear up under punishment, even though you have done
what is right, God looks on it with favor. 21 Indeed,
this is what you were called to; because the Messiah too suffered, on your
behalf, leaving an example so that you should follow in his steps. [In V 18-21 Peter classes
himself with the traitors of humankind. His offense seems more severe than
Paul’s against couples in 1 Corinthians 7:5, CJB “Do not deprive each other, except for a
limited time, by mutual agreement, and then only so as to have extra time for
prayer; but afterwards, come together again. Otherwise, because of your lack of
self-control, you may succumb to the Adversary’s temptation.”
Readers who object to my opinion might consider R. E. Lee’s letter to his wife
in 1856.*]
22 “He committed no sin, nor was any deceit found
on his lips.” [Isaiah 53:9 died with a rich
man; had done no wrong] [The
complete verse does not seems to represent neither Yeshua of Nazareth nor
Christ of the Pauline cross.]
23 When he was insulted, he didn’t retaliate with
insults; when he suffered, he didn’t threaten, but handed them over to him who judges justly [I think it is arrogant to judge
the God.]. 24 He himself bore
our sins [Isaiah 53:4 our
suffering, 12 bearing sin of many] in
his body on the stake, [Deuteronomy 21:22–23 convicted,
killed, then hung, to be buried that day] so that we might die to sins and live for
righteousness [Yeshua influences error-free living rather than favor in
afterdeath.] — by his wounds you were healed. [Isaiah 53:5 by
his wounds we are healed] 25 For you used to
be like sheep gone astray, but now you have turned to [Isaiah 53:6 Adonai laid on him the
guilt of all of us] the Shepherd, who watches over you.
*Lee was a general and fully informed about the white
Christians on white Christians wars in “Bleeding Kansas”. Peter-influence cost
him everything. See his wrong-mined letter to his wife, online at https://encyclopediavirginia.org/primary-documents/letter-from-robert-e-lee-to-mary-randolph-custis-lee-december-27-1856/,
emphasis mine, “In this enlightened age,
there are few I believe, but what will acknowledge, that slavery as an
institution is a moral & political evil in any Country. It is useless
to expatiate on its disadvantages. I think it however a greater evil to the
white than to the black race, & while my feelings are strongly interested in
behalf of the latter, my sympathies are more strong for the former.
The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially
& physically. The painful discipline they are undergoing, is necessary for
their instruction as a race, & I hope will prepare & lead them to
better things. How long their subjugation may be necessary is Known & ordered by a wise
& merciful Providence. Their
emancipation will sooner result from the mild & melting influence of Christianity, than the storms & tempests
of fiery Controversy. This influence though slow is sure. The doctrines &
miracles of our Saviour have required nearly two thousand years to Convert but
a small part of the human race, & even Christian nations, what gross errors
still exist! While we see the Course of the final abolition of human slavery is
onward, & we give it the aid of our prayers & all justifiable means in
our power we must leave the progress as well as the result in his hands who
Sees the end; who Chooses to work by slow influences ; & with whom two
thousand years are but a single day. Although the
abolitionist must Know this; &
must see that he has neither the right or power of operating except by moral
means & suasion, & if he means well to the slave, he must not create
angry feelings in the master; that although he may not approve
the mode by which it pleases Providence to accomplish its purposes, the result
will nevertheless be the same: that the
reasons he gives for interference in what he has no Concern, holds good for every Kind of interference with our
neighbours when we disapprove their Conduct; Still I fear he will
persevere in his evil Course. Is it not
strange that the descendants of those pilgrim fathers who crossed the Atlantic
to preserve their own freedom of opinion, have always proved themselves
intolerant of the spiritual liberty of others.”
Lee is without excuse: He could have, should have,
sold all his property and moved to a non-slave state, in order to conserve his opportunity
to live. Then, he could have, in 1861 accepted Lincoln’s request that Lee
general the Union rather than the CSA.
A couple year ago, Anne Cramer kindly sent me pertinent sermons from before the
Civil War. Also, Vaughn Crombie pointed out the Baptist convention split on
this issue in 1845. Looking it up, I found the Methodists split in the same
year. Most Americans have not encountered the claim that Christianity directly
caused the U.S. Civil War. I perceive no excuse for ignorance to the claim.
read to apply perhaps 5500 year old Sumerian political philosophy. It’s
primitively expressed by Semite scholars of 3900 years ago in Genesis 1:26-28;
in my paraphrase: Female-and-male-human-being may and can, choose to
independently and together constrain political democracy on earth: on earth,
humankind has the power and authority to pursue the good
and constrain the bad. Civic citizens may use the rule of law to
develop justice. Yeshua*
affirmed these ideas in each Matthew 19:3-8, in Matthew 5:48, and in other
direct dialogue. The next Bible canon could and should include the law codes of
Sumer and competing civilizations. Resulting insights would take the heat off
Judeo-Christianity, a Christ vs Messiah** vs the God competition.***
Competition egregiously deludes Yeshua’s civic influence. The collaborative
view could accelerate mutual pursuit of human being (verb) and lessen habitual
baby killings, like those happening in Israel, in Ukraine, and in the U.S. in the
year 2024.
4 BC, Yosef and Myriam of Nazareth begot Yeshua. 250 years beforehand, Greek
translation of the Torah provided Ἰησοῦς and χριστός, both of which competed
with Yeshua, the former during life and the latter in death. By the 16th century,
Christianity used “Jesus Christ” to repress Yeshua. The person, Yeshua, said, in
my paraphrase: if people don’t speak my name they can’t consider my civic
influence. Competitive monotheism hides Yeshua’s civic influence. Churches hide
God is a mystery. Civic citizens may, can, and do discern Yeshua’s civic
influence. Accepting Genesis 1:26-28 helps yet is not exclusive to the
open-minded and open-hearted fellow citizen.
600 BC, is called a messiah in Isaiah 45:1.
monotheism survives on war.]
Updated on May 19, 2024